This week at school we are learning all
about Africa, which if you think about it, is quite handy seen as we ARE in
Africa. So far we have had an African cooking lesson (which the kids in my
class loved, as they could show of their cooking skills to the American kids)
Dorothy our school cook was very patient with my children and seemed rather happy at my children’s willingness to wash up (that was after I’d given them the look, the look of ‘do you think you should offer to wash up now?’ the children and I have a special understanding)
Mr. Francis then gave them a lesson on
the different tribes in Africa, all the children shared the tribe that they
were from, I felt left out so we decided that I come from the Masai tribe. When
talking about one tribe in particular, Prince (my student, not an actual
prince) questioned why this tribe valued women over men. His confusion excelled
when he wanted to know who this women was. When we explained that it was all
women, he just couldn’t comprehend it and kept asking who the woman was. Just
when we thought we’d got over his confusion, Mr. Francis took a wrong move and
started talking about how one tribe circumcise boys at 15 to show their man
hood, you can guess what question came next, and luckily it as Mr. Francis
teaching (not me thank goodness) and to save embarrassment he spoke something
in Swahili to him, ill never know what was said, but it certainly shut Prince
Hassani painting his picture |
We were all in for a special treat on
Friday as Tinga Tinga Artist came in to teach the children and let them do some
Kimambo was a really sweetie and very
good with the children.
The children did so well and even my teaching assistant
Steven and I got to join in the fun.
In bible time, I like it to be different
every day. I mean reading the bible is good but sometimes it’s nice to change
it up. After a student has prayed it can sometimes lead us to do something
completely different that wasn’t in the day’s plan. For example after my
student Lily prayed about people being free and happy, we started discussing
how people get set free and how God can help us. One thing led to another and
the whole morning was devoted to breaking those chains.
Well you’re probably wondering where one
earth I fitted in maths and English and science, but I have my ways and we always like our chill time with a good book.
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